American Tax Dollars Being Squandered

American Tax Dollars Being Squandered

What is going through President Biden’s mind as he squanders the American taxpayer's money and, at the same time, weakens our southern border? It seems President Biden wants to make sure that the 400-mile wall President Trump attempted to build will never be...

Flash Mobs Are Brazen And Commonplace

Flash Mobs Are Brazen And Commonplace

Seems Progressive liberal policies are creating an unwanted phenomenon, flash mobs. These mobs are imposing a reign of terror on average everyday shoppers because they happen so quick. No one wants to be caught in the middle of one of these. And for corporations, like...

Democrats Want Us To Believe That Bidenomics Work

Democrats Want Us To Believe That Bidenomics Work

The average American is sliding backwards financially due to the Biden created inflation. Yet, President Biden wants us to believe that everything is fine and that somehow we are better off today. How can a President of the United States go in front of the country and...

Woke Student Left Speechless On Topic Of Sex

Woke Student Left Speechless On Topic Of Sex

The transcript provides a thorough and nuanced examination of our rapidly changing sexual landscape, primarily driven by the onset of reliable birth control methods and the cultural shifts of the 60s. Dr. Peterson aptly ties these transformations to the current...

Hunter Biden Attacks The DOJ

Hunter Biden Attacks The DOJ

Hunter Biden attacks the DOJ for breaking his plea agreement. No average person would ever be given a plea agreement like Hunter Biden was given. In fact, an average citizen would most likely have been placed in jail once the charges were filed. But Hunter Biden has...