Voting PollDemocrats Democracy

We are currently in a heated Presidential election cycle, and during an election cycle, patriotic words are thrown around like so much confetti. Most people don’t listen closely to what exactly is being said because of the sheer volume of it. But if you do pay attention to what is being said it might just scare you. The Democrats keep shouting out the word democracy. They want to have the public believe that they are the protectors of democracy. But what they are saying is that they want you to vote for their version of democracy.

When most Americans here the word democracy, the thoughts that quickly come to their mind are one’s of George Washington and Valley Forge, Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence, Abraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address or the Statue of Liberty and pictures of ships crowded with returning World War 2 soldiers. But buried inside what is being said about democracy is a whole other set of ideals.

When Democrat politicians make the statement that they are protecting “our” democracy, what they are really saying is that they want to protect their version of democracy and continue to impose their far-left ideals on this country. They paint a picture of mom and apple pie, but underneath this is a much more sinister agenda.

Because the presidential election is so close, one of the main items they are trying to sell is that they are the protectors of our voting rights. And because Covid was an issue during the 2020 election, they pushed through new methods of voting. Mail-In ballots were now pushed as a mainstream avenue for voting. Drop Boxes were put into place as a method of casting your ballot without close contact with other people. And while these methods did produce more ballots being cast, they did open up the door to questionable voting practices.

When people vote using a mail in ballot, there is no efficient way to determine who actually filled out the ballot. Did a 90-year-old mother fill out her mail-in ballot, or was it her granddaughter? Were mail in ballots harvested by nursing home workers, under the guise of helping their patients vote? When millions of mail in ballots are cast, how the veracity of these votes can be checked in time to make sure don’t affect the outcome of the election. During the 2020 election a TV station sent out a reporter to do a story about Drop Boxes. While the reporter was being filmed with a Drop Box in the background, the camera caught a woman get out of a car and walk up to the Drop Box with a handful of mail in ballots and places them in the box. This is illegal, but there was no one to stop the practice.

While this was caught on film, many people just say, so what. It doesn’t matter because there’s millions of votes cast and what can a few do to affect the outcome. Well, if you look at the result of the last election, it was just a handful of swing states that determined the outcome of the election and that outcome came because of just a few thousand of votes out of the millions cast.

Also in their version of democracy, they want you to believe what they are peddling. The one issue that they were flat out lying about was the flow of illegals coming in through our southern border. There a hundreds of instances that the President, Vice President and other high level Democrats were filmed making the statement that the southern border was closed. They did this even though there were films of tens of thousands of illegals just openly walking across the border. What’s even scarier was the fact that the main stream media is so biased that they allowed these claims to be made without challenging them. How far has the media fallen that they let their far left biases affect them from doing their job. How can anything they produce be believed?

These are just a couple of items where our democracy is actually under attack by Democrats. Other issues such as climate change, DEI, gender and others are where Democrats are shredding our democracy. Voters should be leery of Democrats Democracy