Are We Paying Too Little In Taxes?

Are We Paying Too Little In Taxes?

Are We Paying Too Little In Taxes? Now that the election cycle is in full swing, both candidates are talking about taxes. But what never gets mentioned is what should we be paying based on the current finances of this country? Our national debt stands at about $35...
Can You Afford Kamala Harris?

Can You Afford Kamala Harris?

Can You Afford Kamala Harris? Right now, the mainstream news media is just falling over themselves with praise for Kamala Harris. Based on all their glowing reports about Harris, a typical voter would most likely feel she’s their best choice. But is she? The question...
Ford And GM Heading For Bankruptcy

Ford And GM Heading For Bankruptcy

Ford And GM Heading For Bankruptcy At the current time, the US auto market is in a state of turmoil. With the after Covid shortages of vehicles now gone and the public buying vehicles at hugely inflated prices, dealers’ lots are now filling up with inventory. The one...
Is The American Dream Gone?

Is The American Dream Gone?

Is The American Dream Gone? Lately the media has been full of stories about how inflation has made purchasing a home here in America an almost impossibility. And while homes are the largest single expense most American families will make, the second largest expense...