Our Quiet Crisis

Our Quiet Crisis

Our Quiet Crisis The liberal Democrats in this country keep telling us about the next coming crisis we need to address. Today, that crisis might be climate change. Tomorrow, the crisis might be abortion. Or the day after that it could be the wars in Ukraine and...
2020 Election Playbook 2.0

2020 Election Playbook 2.0

2020 Election Playbook 2.0 Well, it seems the 2024 Presidential election is coming upon us quickly. The coming of the election is bringing back the Democrat’s playbook from 2020 only with in an updated version. Back in 2020, Democrats realized that President Trump was...
What’s Up with Walmart?

What’s Up with Walmart?

What’s Up with Walmart? Hey folks, have you noticed something off about Walmart lately? It used to be the go-to spot for bargains, but it’s looking like those days are fading fast. Walmart’s big thing was always about keeping prices low, but now,...
Are Ivy League Schools In Decline?

Are Ivy League Schools In Decline?

Recently this country’s Ivy League schools have been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Their students have been protesting the war in the Middle East and condemning Israel for battling Hamas. And they do this willingly accepting the fact that Hamas is a terrorist...
Is Our Freedom of Speech Dead?

Is Our Freedom of Speech Dead?

Is our Freedom of Speech gone? Recent news has been flooded with stories about how prestigious universities have done nothing to stop their students and staff from making racially charged statements condemning the Jews and supporting the stopping of the war in...