What A Difference A Day Makes

What A Difference A Day Makes

What A Difference A Day Makes Yesterday morning, President Biden was the Democrat candidate who was running for reelection. Today, he is a footnote to the upcoming election. What a difference a day makes! Social media is just full of Democrats who just can’t...
The Reinvigorated Trump

The Reinvigorated Trump

The Reinvigorated Trump It’s now been a week since the attempted assassination of Ex President Trump and accusations are flying in every direction. But out of all the political posturing, people are witnessing the reinvigorated Trump. Prior to the attempted...
Ford And GM Heading For Bankruptcy

Ford And GM Heading For Bankruptcy

Ford And GM Heading For Bankruptcy At the current time, the US auto market is in a state of turmoil. With the after Covid shortages of vehicles now gone and the public buying vehicles at hugely inflated prices, dealers’ lots are now filling up with inventory. The one...