DollarsYour Freedom Of Choice


Now that we are in the election cycle, phrases like “your freedom of choice” are being thrown about. And the political party that has latched on to this phrase the strongest are the Democrats. Their hatred of President Trump has them focused on the fact that he has a good chance of winning and that he doesn’t support any of their liberal policies. Therefore, the Democrats are painting this election as a direct assault on your freedom of choice. But is there any truth to their claims?

The liberal news media is full of claims about how ex-President Trump will carry out his duties as the leader of the free world. Their favorite tactic is to edit pieces and sound bites from his speeches and frame them as proof of his intentions to destroy our freedom of choice. But quietly the far left political agenda of President Biden has been quickly taking away any possibility of Americans having any choice in expressing their choices on many major issues.

Your freedom of choice is being taken away by the rulings of departments of the executive branch of our government. Recently, unelected bureaucrats in the Department of Energy decided new fuel mileage regulations that have the effect of banning gasoline powered vehicles in America by 2028. As an American consumer, you will no longer be able to make the choice of what type of vehicle best suits your needs and pocketbooks. These new regulations will force manufacturers from producing gas powered vehicles leaving the consumer with only one choice, EVs.

Currently the radical liberal states like California are mandating that even heavy trucks must be powered by electricity. Their regulations pay no mind to the impracticability and huge added costs associated with their demands. The costs of moving freight in California will skyrocket, and these costs will not just affect people living in California, but consumers all across America. The public was not asked to vote on this issue. Instead its unelected officials making choices because of their far left radical viewpoints.

At the same time, this same Department of Energy has changed the regulations as to what type of steel is used in the manufacture of electric transformers. The direct effect of this ruling will be that the only steel plant currently able to manufacture this type of steel will be forced to close. The net result will be that America will be totally dependent on China for the transformers that keep our electric grid operating. I don’t remember being asked to vote on this issue that is so vital to our lifestyle? Why aren’t the same Democrats who want us to believe that electing Republicans will somehow destroy our freedom of choice that they themselves are taking away?

But the largest destruction to your freedom of choice is what they are doing to our election ballots. The far left radical politicians along with their secret backroom financiers have been waging a war on our election ballots in their attempt to keep ex-President Trump off the ballots in the upcoming elections. They don’t want the American people to even have a choice to decide who will lead this country. Their senile candidate of President Biden has only created hardships for the average American citizen. His policies have led to runaway inflation that is hurting most middle and lower income families. The average American shopper cannot go into a supermarket without seeing prices for their everyday items consistently go up. Add to this the cost increases of healthcare insurance, car insurance, homeowners insurance, automobile prices, tuition costs, gasoline prices, and just about every other basic necessity of American families. Yet he and his party have the gall to stand up in front of television cameras, and attempt to tell us just how great things are.

It’s time the American people realize that slowly but surely, their freedom of choice is being destroyed by the policies of the Democrat party and their unelected officials. They are waging an all-out war on your freedom of choice.

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