Kamala Harris InsightsWho Is The Real Kamala Harris?

Now that there has been this sweeping change in the middle of this year’s election cycle resulting is President Joe Biden no longer being the Democrat candidate for President and Vice President Kamala Harris replacing him. This leaves the voters wondering “Who Is The Real Kamala Harris?”

The suddenness of the change has made really knowing who Kamala Harris is and where she stands on running this country if she wins an unknown. On first examination, what little record she has sheds very little about how she would operate and offers little insight as to how the difference of her style of governing would impact the average American. We need to dig under the surface and make some comparisons between the candidates.

Let’s first look at the middle class. Harris loves to speak about the programs she plans on promoting such as childcare and affordability. Looking at the typical Democrat approach, the middle class has very little to gain from her approach to expanding government programs like childcare or fixing the affordability issue. The Democrats spending programs of the last 3 1/2 years drove inflation to records highs. This has hurt the middle class especially hard because it has strained their buying power as wages have not kept up with inflation. So even if you managed to obtain a wage increase that matched inflation, you still fell behind due to the fact that as your wages went up, so to did the taxes you pay also go up. And both Biden and Harris have said that they do plan on extending the Trump tax cuts which expire in 2025. The of which will act as a direct cut in pay for every level of the population.

Inflation has raised costs of everything, including childcare, which has added to the strain middle class families face. And if you look at how liberal Democrats usually structing their programs, help afforded to the middle class is minimal while the majority of the benefits go to the lowest income levels. The result would be little relief for middle class finances. Both Biden and Harris like to say that inflation is falling, when in reality, only the rate of inflation is falling, with prices just rising at a slower pace and the earlier price increases are not going down. And as the interest rate hikes of the past few years are kicking in, the economy is slowing. So while prices are going up as much slower rate than before, they are in fact still going up. And with a slowing economy, the probability of get pay increases in the coming years is dropping. So the middle class will feel the financial pinch for years to come.

Another area of substantial difference between Harris and Trump is how they would structure any of their programs that happen to become law. Harris is firmly in the mind set of every other far left Democrat politician that their idea of help is to offer handouts. They look to create tax breaks, entitlements and set asides. The results of which leaves the recipients of these new program’s benefits in exactly the same financial status but with some relief in certain areas of their lives. The people benefiting from these new programs are now ever more dependent on the government.

Ex President Trump takes a different approach as to how government programs should be focused. He believes in creating programs that empower the people to raise themselves up to a higher economic level by making his programs get government out of the way to the people’s path to a long lasting success. His belief is that rising waters float all boats. Rather than just give out handouts, give the people opportunities to create a path to a better life instead by themselves.

Kalama Harris is a smooth talker that is usually long on liberal agenda talking points, but short on ideas that create real changes. And if her performance of the job of securing the southern border President Biden handed her is any insight as to her follow through, the American people can, especially the middle class, will see no real gains with her in charge.