Trump After Being ShotThe Reinvigorated Trump

It’s now been a week since the attempted assassination of Ex President Trump and accusations are flying in every direction. But out of all the political posturing, people are witnessing the reinvigorated Trump. Prior to the attempted assassination the far-left Democrats were hell bent on using every means possible, whether valid or not, in an attempt to so discredit Ex President Trump that the upcoming election would be a Democrat cakewalk. And it seemed to be working, then disaster struck. First was the botched debate by President Biden and then the failed assassination. The result is a Democrat Party is total chaos.

The far left of the Democrat Party, looking to make a political name for themselves, stretched the legal interpretations of laws to their breaking point in their attempts to discredit Ex President Trump with potential voters. They were able to get a conviction in one of the bluest cities in America, New York City. They were dancing with joy because they could go around and call him convicted criminal. But in spite of their supposed victory in the court room, the public stood by Trump and in fact campaign donations increased.  And also shortly after their supposed triumph, the Supreme Court announced their ruling on Presidential immunity. The Democrats great victory became nothing more than a flash in the pan.

Now keep in mind that a couple months prior to their courtroom win, President Biden participated in an election debate that turned out to be a disaster. During this debate, it became very clear that the President was declining because of his age. While this threw the Democrat Party into chaos, it didn’t by itself make Ex President Trumps polling numbers skyrocket. But then it happened.

At a campaign rally in Butler, PA a young solo gunman, was able to exploit, the failings of the Secret Service, and was able to shoot numerous times at Ex President Trump. He came within an inch of killing the Ex President. Unfortunately, innocent onlookers, were hurt and one was killed. But this act, catapulted Ex President Trumps campaign into high gear and created a situation where around 30% of Democrat politicians are calling for President Biden to step away as the Democrat candidate. Republicans are openly talking about how Democrats have raised the temperature of this election cycle by using words and phrases such as “time to put him in the bullseye, calling him a pig, textbook racist, fascist and a threat to democracy”. This type of language will incite radicals that result in things like this assassination attempt.

And what seems likely to happen is that the Congressional investigation will uncover a Secret Service that knowingly underprovided security to Ex President Trump and at the same time show that the Democrat Party is willing to use any amount of provocative language in order to stir up their base. Recent announcements by President Biden are stating that he is going to attempt to make the Supreme Court bend to his demands that they be term limited and governed by a set of Democrat created ethic rules. This only goes to show just how out of control the Democrat party is in their attempt to stay in power that they are willing to destroy our Constitution.

What’s sad is that a huge portion of the leftists in the Democrat Party, see no problem redoing what the Founding Fathers created and has stood the test of time. When the Supreme Court was left leaning, they praised the ruling that were made. But now that the Court has a conservative lean to it, they are demanding that the very foundation of this country be changed. And what makes this extra sad, is that every single Democrat in a leadership position has been willing to condemn the Supreme Court justices at one time or another, leading to a large part of their base to support these types of actions.  Today’s Democrat Party has moved so far to the left, that they have moved to area of a radical fringe party, who really should never be allowed to govern again as long as they espouse their current political agenda. Thankfully, it seems that we are seeing a reinvigorated Trump rising to lead this country away from the radical ideas of the far-left Democrats. Trump is no far-right conservative, and he is willing to hear the concerns of his opposition and attempt to walk some kind of political middle ground.