Kamala Harris CampaignThe New and Improved Kamala Harris

Currently, an average American voter can’t turn on their television set without being bombarded with political advertisements. And the Presidential race is the one race where it seems where most of the money is being spent, especially in the swing states. If a voter has been following the string of Presidential ads it quickly becomes clear how the message has morphed over time. And it seems that the Democrats have reshaped their candidate and what the American voters are now seeing is “the new and improved Kamala Harris”.

When President Biden stepped down as the Democrat party’s Presidential candidate and Vice President Kamala Harris was picked as his successor, the American public was without much knowledge of who Kamala Harris was and what Kamala Harris stood for. But it seems the Democrat party public relations gurus have been very busy trying to create a viable Presidential candidate out of Kamala Harris. And the person we now see on all those television ads is not the same person we earlier saw. Welcome to the new and improved Kamala Harris.

At the time President Biden stepped down as the party candidate, Kamala Harris had very little in the way of political credentials to tout to potential voters. So the first thing the Democrat party insiders did was bring out their tried and true issue to give Kamala some credibility and that is abortion. The Democrats are attempting to make abortion a big issue and hope that the voters forget about all the other issues that are affecting them and their families. What they are attempting to do is make the argument that if you aren’t for abortion, then everything else is of little value.

The elephant in the room though is the economy. The Democrats want to use statistics to their advantage and make it seems that somehow everything in their economy is going along fine. Those television ads talk about how inflation is down, but quietly leave out the fact that while the rate of inflation is falling, the inflation created price increases of the last three years are still there hurting most Americans financially. Kamala keeps talking about all the good paying jobs she will create by encouraging the switch to green energy, yet over the last three years, the Democrats have used their Inflation Reduction Act to pump trillions of dollars into the economy and yet the flood of these high paying clean energy jobs has yet to appear. And along with her claims of all the good paying jobs she has created, she touts the affordability of clean energy, but over the last three years, the cost of electricity has gone up around 30%. Where is the savings?

VP Kamala Harris is coming up short on economic policies, so her strategy is to pander to people. She uses words like building out the middle class and protecting democracy but it seems that she is getting desperate. Recently, she announced that as President she would pass a program that gave families $25,000.00 dollars to use as a down payment in order to buy 3 million new homes she says she will build. Yet no one in the news media has asked her to explain exactly where the money to fund her program will come from.

But one of the biggest issue turn arounds has been the matter of our open borders. It wasn’t that long ago, that we watched news reports of our southern border just being flooded by a mass of illegals crossing into this country. Then liberal Democrats were outraged as southern state governors bussed tens of thousands of illegals to cities like New York City and Chicago. The evening news was just full of pictures of long lines of illegals waiting in long lines for free housing. But if you watch the latest ads for Kamala Harris, you will be told of just how tough Democrats were on controlling the borders. They have gone as far as making wild claims that it was President Trump who created the problem on our southern borders.

Seems Democrats have mastered the art of constantly telling lies so many times that their lies become the new truth. They biased news media has totally abandoned their job as the ones who should be questioning the claims being made, but instead choose to ignore these wild claims. The one lie the Democrats have avoided having to explain is that this country can borrow as much money as it wants with no repercussions. Somehow Democrats feel that we will never have to pay our debts. But what American voters have to ask themselves is what if the Democrats are wrong? Currently it has been mentioned that every man, woman and child in America is responsible for over a hundred thousand dollars of our currently national debt.