The Border Is On Fire

Recent new reports paint a picture of our southern border being on fire. It’s only been a few months since we heard President Biden’s press secretary say on national television that our southern border was closed. Both Kamala Harris and President Biden made that same claim. But now, Biden announces that he is going to continue to build the border wall President Trump began. What changed? Well, it was the southern border states shipping illegals to northern cities. These illegals are now costing the taxpayers of those cities dearly. The social safety net has collapsed and the citizens groups that once benefited from these programs are now getting leftovers. They are putting pressure on city officials in cities like Chicago and New York to stop spending their limited resources on illegals rather than citizens.

What makes this turn of events so stunning is that city’s like Chicago and New York are bastions of liberal policies and agendas. These cities once proclaimed that they were sanctuary cities and had open arms that welcomed illegals. But once the flood of illegals began and quickly overwhelmed these cities, those open arms closed. It’s now the liberal Democrat citizens of those cities who are protesting the arrival and housing of these illegals. They were very happy to proclaim their support for illegals as long as those illegals stayed in the southern border states. Now the mayors of these sanctuary cities are asking the federal government to give them hundreds of millions of dollars in order to cope with the flood of illegals arriving everyday in their city centers. President Biden and his administration can no longer make false claims of the southern border being closed. And the flood of illegals crossing over into this country isn’t the only harmful things coming across the border. Drugs and terrorists are just pouring into this country,

The amount of fentanyl coming into this country is in record amounts. The Mexican drug cartels are reaping billions of dollars of profit because of the ease of getting their product into this country. Meanwhile, this fentanyl is the cause in the rise in violence in this country as local drug gangs fight for territory and sales. Liberal Democrats in Washington want to spend billions on programs to supposedly stop the violence the drugs are causing and see no problem with gutting the 2nd amendment as part of their efforts. Yet, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that our open southern border is the source of these problems. Along with the flood of drugs entering into this country, is the amount of people, who are on this country’s watch lists, that have been caught entering the country via the open southern border. Government officials can only guess as to the number of people who are on the terrorist watch lists who successfully made it into this country. How safe are we from attacks like 9/11?

So, President Biden’s, sudden reversal of his policy of not continuing the building of the border wall Ex President Trump attempted to build is extremely important. It was only a few months ago that new reports showed that Biden’s administration was selling off the materials, already purchased and paid for with taxpayer money, for pennies on the dollar. He has cost the taxpayer millions in losses at a time that his administration is borrowing trillions of dollars in order to fund his climate change and other liberal policy items. He tells the American public that he is winning the battle against inflation, while continuing to fuel inflation’s growth. And it’s the liberal biased media that’s quietly hiding the effects that his policies have had on this country. They aren’t aggressively asking hard questions or investigating all that is happening because of this administrations failed border policies. It’s long overdue that our borders be secured and the flood of illegals be sent back to their home countries. The American taxpayers cannot be expected to support millions of illegals presently in this country. American’s are a very supportive people, but their is a limit to their generosity. It’s time to take care of our own. We can’t be expected to give handouts to every poor person in this world just because they illegally crossed over our border.