After falling off the news for a while, the southern border is back again. The Senate has been working on a bipartisan solution to the crisis on our southern border which is tied to the need of new funding for Ukraine, so the recent release of what all their talks have produced has made and the border again, is in the news. What’s so amazing is that the Democrats have been steadfast in their claims that the border is secured.

President Biden’s news secretary, Farine Jean-Pierre, has stood up in front of the news media many times and declared that the border was closed. The head of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, has testified in front of Congress not too long ago, that the southern border was closed. Vice President, Kamala Harris, has made claims about how the southern border is closed. Yet now the Senate has come out with a proposed law that will supposedly close the southern border. What’s going on? Who do we, the people, believe?

The draft of the proposed law was released and it reveals that about 7,700 people a day have been crossing our southern border a day. That’s 238,700 people a month coming across our border and then being released into the country, to go and do whatever they please until their court hearing which is years away. That number of people crossing our border is a quarter million people a month. It ends up being over 3 million people a year that the American taxpayers are expected to pay for their housing, food, healthcare and education for their children.

Why is this being allowed to happen? Prior to President Biden being elected to office, Ex-President Trump had all but stopped this flow of people coming into our country. Yet, now we have over 3 million people entering. What happened to our laws?

The supposed fix the Democrats and Republicans came up with is to allow “only” 5,000 people a day to enter. Once that number is attained, the rest would be blocked until the border is secure, whatever that means. This translates into letting 155,000 people a month or 1.8 million people a year into our supposed closed borders. Could any sane person please explain to us normal people how this solves the border crisis? Only in Washington DC would a proposal like this be labeled as a plan to “close” our borders.

But wait, here’s the real irony of this proposed law, if it is allowed to pass, it would negate some of our current laws that are on the books to keep our border closed, which would then in effect declare our borders as open and the only power left would be to raise or lower the daily flow of people.

In liberal run sanctuary cities, like New York, Chicago and Denver, the mayors are all complaining about having run out of money to feed and house these illegals. Citizens of New York City are now protesting having these people in their city and draining the coffers of the money that was supposed to go to pay for city services for the citizens.

Recently, a gang of 8 illegals jumped a couple of New York City police officers and badly beat them up. Four of those involved were arrested, taken to jail, where they were processed. This interrupted their day by about 4 hours because they were quickly released because no bail was set. Upon them leaving the jail, they walked out with both hands up, putting their middle finger up for the new media that was present. Yet President Biden is doing absolutely nothing about the situation. To add injury to insult, this group of 4 illegals went to some nonprofit organization and obtained bus ticket to Los Angeles. Also, they cannot be arrested for their actions right now because they were processed and free because of no bail being set. You can also bet your bottom dollar that they won’t show up for their court date.

The Democrats and President Biden are making a mockery of this country. What’s equally as sad is the Republicans are going along with this nonsense. It’s time the American people stand up and force these politicians to create laws that close the border, completely. That is not saying that we stop immigrants from coming to this country, but rather we allow legal immigration in an orderly fashion.

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