Scientist admits the manufactured consensus on the climate changeThis article tackles climate change by exploring its purported “manufactured consensus.” Judith Curry, a climate scientist, shares her experiences and perspectives on this matter. Initially, she contributed to climate alarmism through research on hurricane intensity that suggested an increase in its severity; her findings gained fame among media and environmental advocacy groups that promoted it; however, later criticism and her own reevaluation revealed flaws in both data collection methods as well as methodology used. To see the entire story

Curry has not limited her knowledge to her own work alone. The “Climategate” scandal, in which leaked emails from other scientists revealed aggressive efforts to hide data that contradicted climate crisis narrative, brought fresh clarity. According to Curry, an entire “climate-change industry” has developed and profited by propagating climate alarmism.

Curry attributes this unbalanced narrative to certain UN programs with anti-capitalism as motivations, specifically the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) established by the United Nations with its strong focus on human-caused climate change dangers, further solidifying this trajectory. Furthermore, she suggests that research funding landscape has inadvertently created an atmosphere in which academic advancement and career advancement is contingent upon supporting one particular narrative of climate change over another – inadvertently creating a system in which supporting one specific record will guarantee improvement through academic or research ranks.

John Stossel concludes his piece by alluding to an extensive, government-funded system that fosters climate alarmism and casts doubt upon widely held beliefs regarding global climate change.

And it’s very well known that the earth’s climate has never been stable. And the premises being made are being based on averages. Well averages, smooth out the highs and lows. So to have extremes is not out of the ordinary. Recently, the Southwest region of the country was experiencing drought conditions and pundits blamed climate change for the shortage of water in local reservoirs. The impression they wanted to instill on the public was that this was going to be permanent. Well, in just one winter, this past one, the areas received an abundance of snow and rain and low and behold, reservoirs are back up for the most part. It is extremely arrogant of the promoters of climate change, that somehow they have the exact formula to change Mother Nature. Back in the 1930’s, there were charlatans who extracted money from the local people with claims that they could make it rain during the Great Dust Bowl.

It seems history is repeating itself. Climate change has allowed the American government to put into place regulations and taxes to supposedly fight this change. Today, unelected officials and ” climate scientists” are in control over the everyday lives of American citizens. What has never been explained fully is how America, on it’s own, can change something as huge as the climate. The climate change advocates have grabbed the power to pick and choose which industries will succeed or fail, thus leaving the marketplace out of this issue. The costs of the Climate Change policies are being ignored and supporters are preaching that all will be made whole in the future.  But segments of the population, like the poor, are suffering as they have to endure the higher costs of these energy policies now.

It seems that Americans have been duped into accepting all the claims being made by the climate change supporters that have affected almost every part of their daily life. These climate change policies are forcing people to work harder and longer just to earn the increased amounts of money needed to just live their daily lives because of the higher costs of everyday items, like appliances and heat. How long are they willing to endure these extra hardships?