Sanctuary City CrisisSeems being a sanctuary city was a badge of pride when no migrants were traveling to your city. But now that tens of thousands are flowing to places like New York City and Chicago, that badge of pride has lost its luster. It was replaced by a sanctuary city crisis. And what makes this even better, is the fact that this whole crisis is of their own making.

The crisis at our southern border was a talking point that liberal Democrats used in their attempts to discredit any Republican that dared disagree with their agenda policy. President Biden had no problem making claims that the border was closed. Democrats called border state Republicans racists when they argued for securing the border and stopping the flow of illegals into this country. But now that the flood of illegals is being directed to sanctuary cities, they are crying foul. And this crisis is for the most part, one of their own making.

When the first waves of illegals arrived, they were housed in hotels with many of these hotels located in the prime areas of the city. The illegals were treated the same as paying guests. The food that was served was better than what most city shelters were serving to homeless and destitute citizens. So word of this great treatment quickly spread within the migrant community which resulted in an ever growing flood of people. Well, now these sanctuary cities have run out of hotel space and money. This is resulting in shelters being setup in a more traditional manner. Tent cities, similar to what are used to house disaster victims after a either hurricanes or floods, are being setup to house and feed these illegals. But guess what happened? Illegals are refusing to live in these types of accommodations.

To add insult to injury, activists are fighting city leadership, demanding that the city provide “quality” living arrangements for illegals. And it seems that these sanctuary cities passed ordinances that demand that every person be provided with a place to live. This is the sanctuary city crisis. They are burdened by rules of the own making, short of places to put the flood of people and out of money to pay for just continuing the present status quo.

Adding to the crisis, is the fact that now both activists and illegals are protesting the quote, unquote, unsatisfactory handling of the situation by city leadership creating chaos in an already strained city. It is extremely ironic that both city leadership and their liberal citizens are now attempting to discourage the illegals from staying in their cities, by limiting the time city provided shelters will be available to them. It wasn’t that long ago that liberal Democrats from these cities, were calling border state Republicans racists for doing what they themselves are now attempting to do.

All the problems that have been mentioned so far are small when compared to the long term effects of having these immigrants staying. Many of those that have arrived are families that have children that need to be educated. This places a huge strain on most cities school systems because of the number of students and also the added costs associated with the special provisions, like translators. For the most part, these migrants lack necessary skills needed to make them productive. And attempting to get jobs requires a number of legal provisions that realistically blocks them from entering the workforce. Their presence here will place downward pressure on citizens attempting to obtain any low skilled jobs themselves by giving employers the opportunity to obtain labor at lower costs, via the under the table work force.

And addressing the lack of funds to sustain the current level of illegals is now requiring city leaders to make cuts to jobs held by taxpaying city workers. How can politicians explain to citizens that American workers must suffer so that illegals can benefit? How will that play out at election time? Also, this budget deficit is only the beginning. More cuts to city jobs and services will have to be made. Will this lead to violence aimed at these illegals by frustrated citizens who were directly impacted by their illegal entry to this country? This is the sanctuary city crisis.

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