Our Quiet Crisis

The liberal Democrats in this country keep telling us about the next coming crisis we need to address. Today, that crisis might be climate change. Tomorrow, the crisis might be abortion. Or the day after that it could be the wars in Ukraine and Israel. But they and their liberal biased news media barely say a word about our Southern border. In the last few weeks, our border agents have been facing mass waves of illegals crossing our borders by the tens of thousands on a daily basis. This is the hidden crisis they want to keep quiet about.

Due to the numbers, recently the daily count was around 16,000, all available staff and facilities are being pushed to the limits. NYC and Chicago call themselves sanctuary cities, but even they have realized the magnitude of the problem they are facing and that it doesn’t look like there’s any end in sight. They are being overwhelmed with illegals just like the border cities. It has become such an issue that the Texas governor started flying illegals north because the mayor of Chicago began confiscating the busses that he had been using to transport illegals. Citizens in these cities are becoming alarmed by the sheer volume of people.

Yet, the President, Vice-President and Washington Democrats in power, refuse to even consider closing our borders. The cities and states that are receiving all these illegals are running out of money to provide care for the illegals arriving. The mayor of New York City told his staff to cut city services in order to conserve money necessary to house, feed and in general care for these people. Now this might seem like just the same old story being told over and over again, but this time it’s different. The numbers are climbing and from the look of things those numbers will not being dropping for anytime in the near future.

Government border officials are only able to make a minimal investigation of these people, so we are letting in people who we only have a very sketchy knowledge about, to wander this country freely. Many could be convicts, crooks, rapists or even terrorists. The government has no clue. And as to all the others that have been shipped to cities and states all over this country, they are creating a financial crisis like we have never seen before.

Now many people, who read what I post, might call me racist. But that’s the furthest from my mind. I want to get the word out to anyone that will listen that there is no country in this world, including the United States that can handle the burdens created by this deluge of people arriving in this country daily. No one has the facilities to care for them. No one has the financial resources to pay for their needs. There is breaking point. The only question is when.

No one even mentions what might happen if our own citizens rebel and lash out against these illegals. Remember that it is taxpayer’s dollars being spent. It will be taxpayer’s government services that will be cut. It will be our own citizens who will be deprived services that they are paying taxes for. In New York City, illegals are being housed in hotels, while homeless Americans are sleeping on steam vents on the streets. How is this okay?

Maybe it’s time a rational person stands up and says, enough is enough. Right now, Republicans are attempting to stop the flow at our southern border by tying the need to close the border to the funding bills for the wars in Israel and Ukraine. They are facing fierce opposition by the radical far left side of the Democrat party. What’s amazing is that it’s these same liberals who constantly talk about cutting our defense budgets so that the money could be redirected to our own country’s needs. They say we shouldn’t be the policeman for the world. Yet, they refuse to acknowledge that along those same lines, we can’t accept every poor person into this country, just because they are poor. Life is not fair. But if America is to continue to prosper, we need to manage our resources. And using the limited amount of taxpayer’s money to support non-citizens while cutting back on helping our own citizens in need is wrong.