President Trump's NYC TrialOur Justice System Weaponized

The recent outcome of the civil trial of President Trump shows just how far liberal Democrats have weaponized our justice system. It shows that what political party you are affiliated with will determine what kind of justice you will receive.

The claim that started this entire liberal Democrat process was that President Trump inflated the value of his properties in order to obtain loans in amounts that were fraudulent. And according to the New York judge who presided over this case, the banks were duped into handing out these loans. Really?

Are the major banks here in America so poorly run that they can be easily duped into handing out depositor’s money without proper inspection? Is this judge telling the American public that there aren’t any government regulations that banks have to follow in order to protect themselves against losses? The answer to both of those questions is NO.

Anyone that has ever purchased a home knows that the loan you are applying for is subject to an appraisal. You, as the borrower, have no control of the outcome of what that appraiser determines. And if you are the seller of a home, you can ask any price you want, but even if you find someone willing to pay your price, if your home doesn’t appraise for your asking amount, the bank can deny the loan or force the buyer to make up the difference between what the appraisal came in at and what the amount being asked for is.

Also, if a home owner goes to a bank and seeks to obtain a million dollar loan on his home but all the similar homes to his are only selling for $400,000, is he responsible for the actions of the bank if they actually give him what he asked for?

Face facts. Liberal Democrats hate President Trump. They are filing all these crazy lawsuits in hope of stopping him from being reelected. And for him to get a fair trial in New York City is impossible. And what makes them even angrier, is that in spite of all their ridiculous attempts to tarnish his image, his popularity has grown.

Seems the American people understand that Democrats care less about rights and laws and have weaponized our justice system just to stop one man. They stand up in front of TV cameras and make claims about equality and democracy, yet they have no qualms about destroying our system of justice and replaced it with banana republic political judges who only make a mockery of this country.

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