President Biden just sent a message to every country in the world that his administration can’t be counted on to keep it’s promises. Those promises he makes are subject to revision or being revoked if a political issue involving reelection or other internal political issues becomes heated within America. President Biden has no real foreign policy.

The recent college campus protests by far left Democrat students in support of the Palestinians in Gaza have forced President to withhold promised aid to Israel, in spite of the fact that he has made numerous claims to Israel that America has your back and will support you no matter what.

Seems far left Democrats want to hide why Israel is currently fighting in Gaza and why the Palestinians are not to be viewed as innocent civilians.  The Palestinians voted for Hamas to govern Gaza years ago. They have lived under Hamas for decades now and have given their support to the government. Hamas started the war, so Palestinians aren’t innocent civilians. Their losses are the direct result of their choices. If there is blame to be placed, place it on Hamas. Wars result in deaths. Hamas chose to start this war. Palestinians are only reaping what they sowed.

If Israel doesn’t remove Hamas totally from Gaza now, they know that in the near future, their people will suffer another attack again by Hamas. And stopping their attack now will be viewed by Hamas and most of the Muslim world as a win for Hamas. History has shown that Iran uses groups like Hamas and Hezbollah as proxies in order to push their vision of total destruction of Israel. Israel has no other choice but to fight and President Biden has shown that America can’t be counted on  as an ally.

Pay attention to how President Biden as handled Ukraine. He talks tough about how strongly he supports the Ukrainian people, but he has no problem watching them die because he only provides enough support to block Russia’s advances in Ukraine, but not enough that Ukraine can actually win it’s conflict with Russia. Since the very first days that Russia invaded Ukraine, President Biden and the Democrats have made it very clear that the weapons they provide will not give Ukraine the ability to attack Russia itself. The message being sent is that President Biden is okay with watching Ukrainian civilians die every day and their homes, stores and utilities reduced to rubble.  But he’s not okay with having Russia pay the same price, he’s asking Ukrainians to endure.

President Biden’s actions, concerning both Israel and Ukraine, are not that of a strong leader. His willingness to walk away from his previous promises sends the wrong message to both countries and the enemies that are trying to destroy them too. He has shown America’s weakness of leadership and it’s willingness to bend when faced with political turmoil at home. If Biden is allowed to stay in office for four more years, it will be almost certain that America will become embroiled in more foreign conflicts because foreign leaders, bent on conquest, will view America as weak and not be to feared.