Migrant Crisis Update from Rio Grande River Crossing BridgeMigrant Crisis Update

Recently, the flow of migrants coming across our southern border has become a migrant crisis needing updating. News reports are showing thousands of migrants just walking into this country. Border Patrol agents are being overwhelmed by these numbers which at many times doesn’t allow for the proper documentation to be performed. Then these people are just allowed to disperse into the country with a court date that most will not follow up on. Now while Border Patrol agents are making a valiant attempt to stop and identify these migrants, videos captured by newspaper reporters show many migrants just crossing the border and disappearing into the desert without any type of identification or documentation at all. It has been shown that many times these people are people that have previously committed crimes. In one such instance, the person was apprehended and it was discovered that he was wanted for a murder previously here in America.

Why is this current administration doing nothing to stem the flow of these people? Don’t they care about the criminals and possible terrorists that are just walking into this country? One major newspaper reported that Iran has been having agents cross the southern border with the goal of fitting in with American society until such time as they are called on to perform terroristic acts here in this country.

The situation in New York City has reached such epic proportions that city council members are calling on the New York  Governor to sue the Federal government because the city has reached a dire level with their finances attempting to care for these migrants. According to city councilwoman, Joann Ariola, who recently discussed this issue on national TV that was also posted on YouTube, the City of New York is getting around 10,000 migrants a month into the city. The total number of migrants is around 113,300. These extremely high numbers are costing the city billions. She estimates that the city is currently spending somewhere near $40,000 per migrant. They are being provided free room, food, healthcare, ipads and phones. She predicts that in 5 years, New York City will be a tent city.

Why hasn’t the national news media focused on this issue so that it is in front of every taxpaying American daily? Why hasn’t this administration done anything to stop this flow of people? And from looking at the level of care being given to these migrants, as reported by New York Councilwoman Joann Ariola, it would almost seem that these migrants are being lured here. This is a national disgrace. When will President Biden and the Democrat party be made to explain to the American citizens that their tax dollars are being squandered on people who are not even citizens while actual citizens are being squeezed by high inflation and dwindling safety net funding.