College ProtestsLiberal Democrats Out Of Control

The war between Israel and Hamas has created a huge division in the Democrat party. Seems liberal Democrats are out of control. Student protests are raging around the country on liberal college campuses in support of the Palestinians which highlights how radical the Democrat party really is.

This war between Israel and Palestine was started by Hamas with their attack on Israeli civilians that left scores of innocent people dead or taken hostage. The Israeli government fought back and attacked Hamas in Gaza, with the aim of eliminating the organization so that no further attacks could be made on Israel. The Israeli army has been mostly successful in their attempt to destroy Hamas. But now that Israel has cornered Hamas in their last remaining stronghold in Gaza, protests are erupting supporting the Palestinian people.

These protests by far left liberal students on their college campuses have created a huge divide as to how to handle the situation of the Palestinian people. These far left students are painting a picture of the Palestinian people as just innocent victims that just doesn’t hold up to the scrutiny of reality. Hamas is a terrorist organization and they have been in the control of governing Gaza since 2006 when they were voted into power by the Palestinian people. Their rule has been characterized by conflict with Israel and a strict enforcement of their version of Islamic law within Gaza.

They attacked Israel first. But now that Israel is nearing completion of the aim to eliminate Hamas, far left liberals are crying foul because Palestinian people are dying in the fighting. The far left is using numbers that are being put forth by Palestinian agencies as accurate and valid. As the war in Ukraine is showing, the reporting of numbers by each side varies widely. And the other fact the far left protesters are promoting is that the Palestinian people are innocent victims rather that ardent supporters of Hamas.

The Palestinians voted Hamas into power. The Palestinian people cheered the early success by Hamas with their killing of over a thousand Israeli civilians. The Palestinian people also cheered when Hamas paraded the dead body of a naked, raped Israeli female hostage through the streets of Gaza earlier in this conflict. These kinds of acts are not ones of innocent civilians, but rather supporters. As such, are they entitled to be offered special protections just because they are now on the losing end of the conflict?

And here in America the far left liberals of the Democrat Party, such as these college protesters, have been attempting to push their liberal agenda down the throats of normal Americans for years now. Their agenda has now evolved to the point that they are willing to overlook a terrorist group like Hamas and their Palestinian supporters and want our government to stop the legitimate government of Israel in their attempt of create permanent protections for their own people. During recent protests, such as the one in Muslim Dearborn Michigan, chants such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “Death to America” were frequently heard. Are these the type of slogans to be recognized?

Today, too many Americans support Democrats because of what they say, not the results they deliver. They talk about tolerance, but paint any conservative as some sort of ignorant radical. They talk about inclusion, but have no problem blocking any discussion by conservative speakers on college campuses. They talk about helping the American poor, but have no problem allowing millions of illegals into this country who directly compete with our poor for jobs. They talk about democracy, yet see no issue with Congressional investigations being held closed doors with no outside oversight as occurred during their 2nd impeachment attempt of now ex President Trump? It’s time to face facts, Liberal Democrats Out Of Control.