Latest Migrant NewsLatest Migrant News

A few days ago, we reported on the latest migrant news this country was facing. The picture we were getting is that with all the illegal migrants coming into the country, we were in a state of crisis. But the news from the past few days from around the country reports that the situation is quickly spiraling out of control at a rate that is making it unmanageable. It is totally out of control.

The Mexican transport firm Ferromex, said that for the first time ever, they are temporarily stopping over 60 daily trains that travel toward the U.S. Border. They are doing this because the trains are being swamped by as many as 1,500 migrants a train trying to hitch rides to Mexican cities along the U.S. Southern border. They are reporting that there have been injuries to many migrants who are riding on these trains illegally. This type of action has never happened before. Mexican officials are trying to figure out how to handle this latest surge of illegals.

On the U.S. southern border, the Department of Homeland Security officials report that Border Patrol apprehended more than 7,500 migrants on the past Sunday alone. On Sunday, the busiest area was the Rio Grand Valley in Texas, with 1,800 migrants taken into custody. Followed by Del Rio, Texas, with more than 1,600 stopped, Tucson, Arizona, with more than 1,500 and El Paso, Texas, with more than a 1,000. Because Border Patrol is having to process such vast numbers of illegals, Border Patrol agents have begun releasing them onto U.S. border streets immediately after processing, where they quickly move inland. It seems reports since Sunday have shown that the numbers are down from Sunday’s crossing, but they are continuing at a high pace.

Around the country, U.S. citizens are starting to protest these illegals being brought into their cities. In New York City, protesters disrupted a news conference Friday where Democratic lawmakers were touring one of the hotels that the city has been using to house the illegals. Some protesters were chanting, “Close The Border” while another group of protesters were chanting “Send Them Back”. What has to be brought out about this situation is that it happened in liberal New York City against liberal Democrat lawmakers by liberal New York City citizens. Has the illegal migrant crisis reached the point where the Democrat party will get political repercussions from voters? Could this issue cost them the next election because American citizens are very unhappy with the situation? Also, remember that this protest wasn’t the only protest happening in New York. On Staten Island, another group of citizens blocked a bus carrying illegals to an emergency housing center set up there. Is the fact that city officials declared New York City a sanctuary city coming back to bite them politically?

New York City mayor Eric Adams has stated that more than 100,000 illegals have come to the city. The majority of them crossed into this country at our southern border. Adams estimates that around 10,000 illegals are arriving every month. And this is placing a massive strain on the city’s housing situation as over 80,000 people are filling city shelters every night. The real question about all of this is that the federal government will have to spend 10’s billions of dollars of more borrowed money on illegals that it wasn’t willing to spend on U.S. citizens? Why?

And tied to this crisis with the illegals crossing our southern border is the fact that fentanyl is crossing our open southern border in record amounts. Just yesterday, officials discovered that a New York City daycare center in the Bronx was processing fentanyl to be sold on New York City streets. This situation came to light because a one-year-old died and three other children had become seriously ill in that day care center. Fentanyl is the number one drug affecting America today, and yet our federal government is refusing to close our southern border, where the largest quantities are being brought into this country. Why are Democrats failing to act? They are willing to stand up at news conferences and lie to the American public that the border is closed. When will the public wake up to the fact that a considerable part of our drug problem comes from the open southern border? Drugs are killing more people every year and liberal Democrats always talk about fighting drugs, but their actions always say otherwise. 

Democrats have to be made to pay a political price for their position on the southern border. Their lies must stop because people, like the little children in New York City, are dying.