Republican PartyKamala Harris Decoded

As everyone is well aware of, the election season is in full swing and one of the hallmarks of any election season are the speeches and supposed promises. This election season is no different than any other except this time we have a candidate that has a very slim resume, so the average voter has very little to base their decision on when it comes to this candidate’s qualifications. That candidate is Kamala Harris and what she is saying needs to be decoded.

In her campaign speeches she uses words like democracy and freedom, but is her definition of these powerful words line up with what average Americans associates with them. Pay attention to what she is referring to when she uses the phrase “protecting our democracy”. Most people assume that she is talking about every person in this country. But in reality, she’s only talking about the leftists of the Democrat party. She has no room in her agenda to address any of the concerns of anyone who holds a different opinion that does match up with her vision. Any Republican concerns, such as out of control spending or our debt levels, are not part of her plan as to protecting our democracy.

Currently Kamala Harris, when speaking to seniors, makes claims that Republicans are going to destroy Social Security. But what she and Joe Biden have done behind the scenes will impact seniors for years to come. The Democrat party is making claims about how much they have done for seniors by having Medicare and Social Security negotiate prices of popular prescription drugs. When they tout their claim of helping seniors, what they are leaving out, is the fact that their handling of this issue has actually hurt seniors. Oh, yes the cost of many popular prescription drugs will come down in 2025. That is true. But what is being left out is that these supposed savings will disappear in the years to come. Every spring, insurance companies that offer Part C (Advantage Plans) and Part D (Drug Plans) have to give the government what they plan to charge for these plans. Well because of what Biden and Harris negotiated, the insurance companies were left on the hook to pick up the entire cost of the lower prescription drug prices that would result in them losing hundreds of millions of dollars. So, this spring, when the insurance companies turned in their price increases and almost all of them showed price increases anywhere from 300% to 500%, the Democrats scrambled to stop these increases from becoming public right before the election.

So Biden/Harris called the insurance companies to the White House in order to come up with a solution. Well, the solution was to hand over hundreds of millions of dollars to the insurance companies if they would drop these huge price increases. Well, the insurance companies took the money. But this handout to the insurance companies was for just one year. The last thing the Democrats wanted was for seniors to not vote for them. But come 2026, seniors are in from a big surprise.

Yes, nothing Kamala Harris says can be taken on its face value. Pay attention to what Kamala Harris means when she talks about equity. See Democrats don’t believe in the idea of equality anymore. Their new word is Equity. It’s no longer fair to just have people and opportunities be based on equality. Instead, they want do redo what this country has stood for by creating equity. And how do you create equity? Well you discriminate against another group of people. See discrimination is okay as long as it’s aimed at a group the Democrat party chooses. Recently, our top military leadership announced that in their minds, there needs to be a huge shift in the number of white men and women who are currently part of our officer corps. And in order to accomplish that, white men and women would be locked out of promotions until such time as the heads of our military felt the “right” balance was achieved. Forget about qualifications. Forget about merit. Does any of this sound familiar? It should because that’s how outcomes are decided in Communist countries.

Yes, this relatively unknown candidate, Kamala Harris is using the right words. Her handlers are making sure of that. But, what those words stand for to most Americans is not what Kamala’s handlers want them to stand for. If you look at the Harris campaign, she is full of promises. But why should voters believe anything she says because it’s not like she hasn’t had the opportunity to attempt to make these changes in the last 3 ½ years she has been in power. Voters need to pay attention to what she has done and what she promises to do.