Is our Freedom of Speech gone? Recent news has been flooded with stories about how prestigious universities have done nothing to stop their students and staff from making racially charged statements condemning the Jews and supporting the stopping of the war in Palestine, thereby saving the terrorist group Hamas from destruction. The presidents of these universities see no problem with their students and staff protesting in support of a terrorist group. They claim its freedom of speech.

Under the surface the answer given by these presidents is as shaky as a house of cards built outdoors on a windy day. When these leaders of schools like, Wharton, MIT and Harvard were questioned about their students and staff making threatening statements calling for the genocide of Jews, their answers focused around freedom of speech. They did not see anything wrong with the calling for genocide and at the same time supporting a world terrorist organization, Hamas. Seems that if you are a liberal Democrat, hate speech aimed at Jews is to be viewed as acceptable.

How can highly educated liberal Democrats make such statements when they call themselves the party of acceptance and inclusion? Today, from President Biden on down, they are making statements such as being the protectors of our democracy, yet see no issue with calling for genocide. In their idealistic attempt to support the Palestinian people, they are willing to overlook the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization who has been using the Palestinians as bait and human shields. Hamas has the sole goal of destroying Israel and killing every Jew. They chant slogans like “from the river to the sea” whose meaning is the annihilation of all the Jews across the whole of what is now Israel.

The war Israel is now conducting a war in order to destroy Hamas is so that no more attacks by them can happen again. And in war, civilians become embroiled and are placed in danger. But the Israeli military is very much concerned about the Palestinian people and as much as is humanly possible they are trying to limit the effects of their fight with Hamas. But the bigger picture must come into focus.

Hamas has no concern about the safety or welfare of the Palestinian people. They built their tunnel system under hospitals, schools and houses of worship so that these tunnels would not be attacked. Things like rockets, bombs and ammunition are produced in factories buried under these places. Hamas wants Israel to attack these facilities and kill huge numbers of innocent civilians in the process. The deaths of these civilians could then be exploited in their propaganda with the hope of inciting others to join their war. And what is astounding is the fact that highly educated students and staff are willing to overlook how Hamas has placed the Palestinian people in jeopardy and blindly call for Israel to stop the fighting they are carrying out, so that their country never has to endure another bloody attack as has recently happened. Should the fighting be stopped? Absolutely! But not before the Israeli government eliminates the threat of another attack on their land and citizens.

This all circles back to liberal Democrats willingly calling for more Israeli people to die. Hamas understood prior to their attack that they would have to endure a punishing reprisal from Israel. Hamas fully understood that they could not stand up to the Israeli army. And they also understood that if enough Palestinians were killed, world opinion might swing in their favor. They wanted to rebuild and once again attack and kill as many Israeli people as possible.  Seems our highly educated liberals fell for their plans and are using our right to Freedom of Speech as a shield for their stupidity.