Hunter BidenHunter’s Money Trail

Hunter Biden is the son of Joe Biden and is under scrutiny and allegations regarding his international business deals, particularly in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and China. Hunter Biden has responded to the main allegations.

Hunter Biden was a director of Burisma Holdings (a large Ukrainian energy firm) from 2014 until 2019. Some critics raised concerns over potential conflicts of interests, given that Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States and overseeing U.S. Policy towards Ukraine. Hunter Biden reportedly received up to $50,000 per week for his role.

Hunter Biden admits that he would not have received the job if he wasn’t the son of Vice President Biden, but maintains that he didn’t do anything wrong while he was on the board of Burisma. No evidence exists that Joe Biden did anything improper to benefit his son with regard to Ukraine.

Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China, and in particular his partnerships with Chinese entities such as CEFC China Energy were scrutinized.

Hunter Biden said that he had not engaged in any improper business activities while in China. To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, he also promised not to serve on foreign company boards if his dad won the presidency. In terms of specifics, you should know that the information about his Chinese deals and alleged money is a mixture of verified facts, partisan reporting and conspiracy theories.

Explanation: These allegations are not as specific as those relating to Ukraine or China. It is important to distinguish between confirmed information, ongoing investigation, and possible misinformation. Hunter Biden may not have publicly disclosed his business relationships in all countries, but he generally defends his international business deals by claiming they are legal and unaffected by his father’s politics.

Hunter Biden, throughout the controversy, has acknowledged mistakes in judgement but denied any legal wrongdoing. Joe Biden, the president, has shown confidence in his son. He also stated that Hunter had not committed any crimes.

Why has all of this happened? Hunter Biden seems to have a very low level of expertise for the money that he is allegedly being paid by these foreign entities, which has caused a lot of controversy on Capitol Hill. This has raised questions such as, was Hunter being paid for the influence he had in relation to his father’s position? There has been a great deal of effort made to conceal where the money came from and to whom it went. The discovery of controversial emails in October 2020 is another issue. The New York Post ran a story on these alleged emails that were found on a laptop reportedly belonging to Hunter Biden. The emails allegedly showed communications between Hunter Biden and his business associates. This could indicate possible influence-peddling activities involving the Biden clan. Sources of information have disputed the authenticity and origins of these emails.

In September 2021 federal investigators began to examine some of Hunter Biden’s business dealings. They were mostly focused on tax issues. Hunter Biden was charged with felony crimes for these tax issues. He admitted to not paying taxes, which was the subject of an investigation. The plea deal he accepted was suspect due to the low penalty that he would receive. After a judge rejected his plea deal, he retracted his admission of guilt. This only brought the entire matter to light. The President’s position is that he has never been involved in the business dealings of his son and he did not speak to him about them.

Recently, the House of Representatives opened an official investigation to investigate the business activities of President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. It also aims at exploring any possible ties between the President and these activities. This committee investigation is important because it gives House members the ability to subpoena witnesses and try to unravel the massive efforts made to conceal the money movement by Hunter Biden. What is revealed will have to wait.


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