Seems Progressive liberal policies are creating an unwanted phenomenon, flash mobs. These mobs are imposing a reign of terror on average everyday shoppers because they happen so quick. No one wants to be caught in the middle of one of these. And for corporations, like Nordstrom, they are siphoning profits from these company’s already weak bottom lines. These criminals understand that liberal policies like not having to post bail and crimes like this not being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, make the chances they get any real jail time weak. Add to this the fact that policing policies hinder police in actually stopping these kinds of acts, makes this a very lucrative endeavor. What’s also very sad is that this store experienced a flash mob a year or two earlier. So when liberals want people to believe that the police can protect them and their property, yet can’t protect a store like Nordstrom from experiencing such a violent act a second time, people don’t believe them. When will progressive liberals come to their senses? We as a society cant allow these kinds of actions to become mainstream. Without law and order, our society will slowly crumble.

And these kinds of criminal behavior, work against another progressive agenda item, guns. Average citizens are losing faith in their government to provide for their safety, thereby making citizens choose to purchase and own a gun for the protection of themselves and their property. Progressive liberals don’t seem to see that when the nightly news broadcasts scenes like these on the 6 pm news, it places fear into citizens.