Chicago Migrants In Line For Free FoodDEMOCRATS SENSELESS PLANS

When it comes to Democrat’s senseless plans, the one’s currently being implemented, make the Democrat’s far and away the leaders. New York’s mayor is going to spend $53 million dollars in order to give pre-paid credit cards that the illegals can use to purchase food and baby supplies. Chicago mayor’s announced he will spend $18 million dollars in order to feed the illegals in his city. The real question is why? Why are American citizens allowing their tax dollars to be spent on food for non-citizens while our needy are being neglected?

What makes these Democrat senseless plans so outrageous is that these amounts being handed out are more than what the needy here in America are currently being provided. How can these supposed city leaders justify neglecting citizens yet spending these amount on non-taxpaying non-citizens? Who voted for allowing these kinds of financial outlays to be made? Aren’t the Democrats the one’s currently making claims that they are the protectors of our democracy, yet without a single American citizen’s vote they are wasting 10’s of millions of taxpayers dollars?

And what adds insult to injury to all this is that Democrat leaders, like President Joe Biden, will get up in front of TV cameras and make claims to the American people that don’t have a shred of truth to them! Yesterday, he was on TV making claims that the problems at our southern border were because of ex-President Trump and MAGA Republicans.

Biden made the claim that all that is happening at the southern border was because of President Trump’s policies. But the truth is that the year when President Trump left office, only 245,000 migrants crossed the border. Biden on his first day in office, he stopped the construction of the border wall and cancelled the stay in Mexico policy. Currently, his policies are allowing 10 times as many people to enter this country yearly.

If the Nazi leader of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, were alive today, he would be proud of how Democrats are creating their false narrative. Most Americans are aware of how Putin has mislead the Russian people into believing his lies about the war in Ukraine, but ignore the propaganda Democrats are spewing right here at home.

Democrats senseless plans need to be stopped and the spending of taxpayer’s dollars on non-citizens must be banned. All these hair brained policies are doing is attracting even more people to cross over our border. Keep in mind, that our government hands out 100’s of billions of dollars in foreign aid to countries around the world every year. Why do we have to allow illegals to cross into this country and then watch our tax dollars be used to house, feed, provide healthcare and educations for their children? It’s totally wrong!

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