Democrats In Shock

The Iowa caucuses were held yesterday and Ex President Trump won by an overwhelming margin. He ended up with 51% of the votes cast. The next two closest contenders were Governor DeSantis, who won 21.2% and Nikki Haley with 19.1%. This has left Democrats in a state of shock. They can’t believe that in spite of all the lawsuits and wild claims the Democrats have aimed at stopping Ex President Trump, he crushed it at the Iowa caucuses. And it appears that every time Democrats come up with some new claim about wrongdoing by Ex President Trump, his poll number rise.

It seems that Republican voters view the series of accusations and lawsuits that have been aimed at killing off any popular support for Ex President Trump as just more political theatrics by Democrats. In the eyes of conservatives, Jan 6th was not an insurrection, but rather a protest that was allowed to get out of control by design. The issue of the lack of security on that Jan 6th has never been fully explained. And the Democrats latest attempts to block him from even appearing on the primary ballots are viewed as an attack on voting and voters. Democrats want to paint Ex President Trump as an insurrectionist, but reality is, he has not been convicted of anything in a court of law. Democrats are trying to use social media and their biased friends in the mainstream media to make it seem that what they are saying is fact. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of reality that Democrat supporters in Hollywood have been writing the scripts that Democrats are presenting as facts. And now, with his impressive showing at the Iowa caucuses, they are in shock.

But the road to the Presidency is much longer and harder than just one impressive win in Iowa. It remains to be seen how all this plays out in the highly charged political atmosphere that exists in American politics today. At the same time, President Biden is showing that he has very poor support as shown by his approval poll numbers. The rumors are circulating that Democrats might oust President Biden at their Convention in Chicago this summer due to his low poll numbers. It seems that nothing can be taken for granted as to what happens within the power broker circles of each political party.

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