Republican ConventionDemocrats Are Outright Lying

As the current election cycle heats up, the Democrats are running scared, and they have resorted to outright lying. Leaders of the Democrat Party, such as Hakeem Jeffries, have resorted to fear tactics and are using outright lies as a way of instilling fear into the American people. How low have the Democrats said that high-ranking Democrat leaders are outright lying?

In a recent post on X ( formerly Twitter ), Hakeem Jeffries, the Democrat minority leader in the United States House of Representatives, has made wild claims that if Roe vs Wade could fall, then Republicans would move on to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Voting Rights and our democracy would fall. How scared are they that their feeble-minded candidate, Joe Biden, is doing so poorly in the polls and that he might lose that they have resorted to these kinds of tactics?

He is making these remarks as a way of building fear in the American people without so much as any valid evidence or solutions. We need to look at each of his wild claims and see what Democrats are doing about solving them.

It is correct that the funding Social Security account balance is projected to be broke in about 11 years. This is a fact. But for Democrats to say that Republicans are actively working to do away with Social Security is a lie. At this point, Democrats don’t want to discuss possible solutions because they know that their grip on power is slipping. The out-of-control inflation that they created is very much in the minds of voters today. Even mentioning higher taxes or raising retirement age levels could make voters turn their backs on the Democrats.

One of the reasons that Social Security funding is drying up is that a few years back, the SSI pool of money went dry. SSI ( disability payments ) was funded from its own account. So, the supposed fix Democrats made was to allow SSI to pull money from the Social Security fund. This has sped up the time frame in which Social Security will be broke. SSI has been used as a welfare program for illegals entering this country. Things, like not being able to speak or read our language, have been called a disability and so benefits have been handed out to illegals.

Voting rights are another issue Democrats are lying about. Democrats support mail in voting and drop boxes saying it makes it convenient for voters to vote. But along with convenience it also makes it extremely difficult to verify if the vote cast was actually cast by the register voter. Last year, a television news reporter was doing a story about drop boxes and was saying that drop boxes are only to be used by the registered voters. In the background, a lady walked up to the drop box with a dozen mail in votes in her hand and placed them in the drop box. This is illegal, but nothing was said about it. 

Lastly, Rep Jeffries made a claim that Republicans want to destroy our democracy. Really? Democrats have been making this claim seem that it is the truth. Well let’s look at what the Democrat version of democracy is. Democrats are pushing EVs as a solution to clean energy. In the Democrat version of democracy, the American consumer cannot be trusted to make the correct decision when it comes to buying a car. So in the Democrats version of democracy, they ban gasoline powered cars, thereby taking away the ability of the public to exercise their democratic rights. Currently, the Biden administration, is ruling like a dictator. Some executive branch department makes a ruling and American citizens are supposed to abide by it. Voters are not given a chance to vote on regulations that have a direct impact on their quality of life. This is what Democrats want to protect.

Seems, todays Democrats are using the banana republic playbook as their bible and are attempting to stay in power by fear, lies and deception. Biden is a weak, feeble old man who is being manipulated by Democrat power brokers and they don’t want to lose their positions. It’s extremely sad that an American political party has sunk so low.