Trumps 2024 Victory Speech
The results of the election are not fully accounted for and yet the Democrats are at it again. They are conspiring to undermine the will of the voters! Yes, governors in blue states such as New York and California, are already calling for meetings so that they can ready themselves to fight, undo or outright attempt to subvert the will of the voters.
During the campaigns, Democrats painted themselves as the party of unity and the guardians of “our” democracy, but now that they lost big time, they have no problem to conspire to stop the will of the voters from being carried out. It was the Democrats that painted January 6th as an insurrection, instead of a protest that got out of control. So, could their current actions of conspiring to meet as a group in order to stop the will of the American voters from being carried out be considered an insurrection also?
The action of the Democrat party currently shows the amount of arrogance they feel towards the working American voters and their contempt for any agenda other than their own. This displays a political party that doesn’t want to represent Americans but rather dictate an agenda down to the people. Democrats aren’t willing to accept the will of the people. They don’t trust the people, especially people who work with in blue collar jobs.
They are already planning the next Russian collusion hoax in order to subvert the democratic system. The difference this time from 2016 is that they were very soundly defeated and have only limited access to the levers of power. But that’s not going to stop them from trying. What Newsom and Hochul are saying is that rather the work with the political party the voters chose, they want to destroy them. The hatred the Democrats show is enough to make a normal person question their eligibility to be allowed to even exist as a political party in a democratic political system.
As we move further away from the election, the lies will begin again. They lied about the “closed” border. They lied about their “great” economy even as average citizens struggled to feed their families. They lied about crime in order to carry out amnesty for the illegal criminals that they allowed to enter this country. Now is not the time to relax. Now is the time to be vigilant to their attempts to subvert our will.