With our country in the middle of a Presidential election cycle, the Democrats have been busy claiming that they are the protectors of our freedom. This claim has been accepted by the media without as much as the slightest bit of doubt. There’s been no fact checking, unlike the scrutiny that the mainstream media uses every time Ex-President Trump makes a speech. So the accepted train of thought is that the Democrats version of freedom is the right version of freedom here in the United States.

But is it really? The actuality is that the Democrats version of freedom is the opposite of what the majority of US citizens would consider as “freedom”. The main issue they preach about freedom is abortion. There isn’t a single Democrat that would not claim that a woman is guaranteed the freedom to choose what she does with her body. And on the surface, this seems obvious. But what’s being left out of that claim, is that the baby she is carrying, is presumed to not have any rights at all. So the woman has the right to kill this baby right up to the day it is born. For the majority of people, this doesn’t sit well.

But, let’s not get totally caught up in just the abortion issue. The reality is that Democrats are trampling on so many more of our freedoms. Over the last 35 years, Democrats have adopted climate change as an issue they alone can resolve. And it the pursuit of them attempting to solve climate change, they have no qualms of restricting our freedoms. “President Richard Nixon proposed the establishment of EPA on July 9, 1970; it began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate.”  That was the last time anything from the EPA was voted on.

Since its creation, the EPA has mandated policies concerning climate change. These policies have been made by unelected bureaucrats who over those 50 years since its creation have little by little taken away the freedom all US citizens once had to make their own choices when it came to how they chose to live their lives. There was a time; citizens had the freedom to choose what type of gasoline they chose to put into their cars gas tank. Now the government dictates what type of gasoline people are allowed to use. The formulas that gasoline has been created with, doesn’t actually have to benefit the end users, it just has to play a role in climate change, even if that role is so small is that the cost doesn’t justify its use to the end user. The addition of ethanol into our gasoline supply has forced citizens to spend $10’s of millions of dollars making expensive repairs to their lawn equipment because its formula causes things like gummed up carburetors and hoses to rot, forcing people to suffer with the repair bills and loss of use. And these same bureaucrats are now working on forcing every American to scrap their current lawn equipment and replace them with electric powered equipment. It makes no matter that these electric powered lawn equipment might not be able to perform their tasks without running out of their battery charge. Or that the battery powered lawn equipment will cost more than the gas powered equipment they are supposed to replace. But Democrats still make the claim you have freedom to choose.

But gasoline and lawn equipment aren’t the only items the Democrats want to make you accept and still claim you have your freedom. How you heat your home, how you wash your clothes and dishes, what kind of ceiling fans you are allowed to buy and what kind of stoves you will be able to cook on are all being attacked. It doesn’t matter that the cost of these items will increase due to these new regulations. Oh no, that has little to do with their mission.

Yet, now during this current election cycle, they proclaim themselves the protectors of your freedoms. They refuse to place their regulations and policy changes to a vote by the general public. They feel the general public isn’t capable of making decisions on these subjects. The entire EPA has been built on unelected bureaucrats stripping away the freedoms US citizens once held to choose how their lives would be made better by accepting each and every one of these regulations and policies. So the Democrats lie continues.

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