by oppositeview | Feb 10, 2024 | Politics
Biden’s Slipping The entire country is talking about how much Biden’s slipping. His age is working against him and he is unable to make the kind of tough political decisions that at this moment of his presidency that have to be made. When the special consul’s report...
by oppositeview | Feb 7, 2024 | Politics
DEMOCRATS SENSELESS PLANS When it comes to Democrat’s senseless plans, the one’s currently being implemented, make the Democrat’s far and away the leaders. New York’s mayor is going to spend $53 million dollars in order to give pre-paid credit cards...
by oppositeview | Feb 5, 2024 | Politics
THE BORDER AGAIN After falling off the news for a while, the southern border is back again. The Senate has been working on a bipartisan solution to the crisis on our southern border which is tied to the need of new funding for Ukraine, so the recent release of what...
by oppositeview | Jan 16, 2024 | Politics
Democrats In Shock The Iowa caucuses were held yesterday and Ex President Trump won by an overwhelming margin. He ended up with 51% of the votes cast. The next two closest contenders were Governor DeSantis, who won 21.2% and Nikki Haley with 19.1%. This has left...
by oppositeview | Jan 15, 2024 | Politics
The Power Struggle Begins The Iowa caucuses mark the beginning of one of the largest power struggles that happen in the United States. Iowa voters will gather and begin the process of selecting which political party will lead this country for the next four years. What...
by oppositeview | Jan 4, 2024 | Politics
Insurrection? The mainstream news media is offering a constant flow of coverage about the “insurrection” and how it might affect Ex-President Trump’s chances to be listed on the primary ballets of many individual states. It seems that many liberal leaning state...