No Foreign Policy

No Foreign Policy

President Biden just sent a message to every country in the world that his administration can’t be counted on to keep it’s promises. Those promises he makes are subject to revision or being revoked if a political issue involving reelection or other...
Liberal Democrats Out Of Control

Liberal Democrats Out Of Control

Liberal Democrats Out Of Control The war between Israel and Hamas has created a huge division in the Democrat party. Seems liberal Democrats are out of control. Student protests are raging around the country on liberal college campuses in support of the Palestinians...
Biden, The World’s Leader

Biden, The World’s Leader

​Biden, The World’s Leader As President of the United States, Biden is the world’s leader. Recently, Israel attacked a building in Syria killing Iranian military leadership that were known to work with established terrorist groups in the Middle East. This act was...
Are Ivy League Schools In Decline?

Are Ivy League Schools In Decline?

Recently this country’s Ivy League schools have been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Their students have been protesting the war in the Middle East and condemning Israel for battling Hamas. And they do this willingly accepting the fact that Hamas is a terrorist...
Is Our Freedom of Speech Dead?

Is Our Freedom of Speech Dead?

Is our Freedom of Speech gone? Recent news has been flooded with stories about how prestigious universities have done nothing to stop their students and staff from making racially charged statements condemning the Jews and supporting the stopping of the war in...