President BidenCan You Trust The Democrats?

As we watch the lead up to the 2024 election, one question should be on every voter’s mind, Can You Trust The Democrat Party? This concern is very real. The media is full of commentators, pundits, TV political analysts, broadcast news anchors, bloggers all looking at polls and making predications as to the outcome of the upcoming election. But one item that is overlooked is the matter of trust. Our attention with this article will be focused on the Democrats right now.

The Democrat Party’s lead up to now has been a bewildering journey. Since the beginning of the year, the Democrat candidate was President Joe Biden. He faced no opposition to his candidacy and looked like his name would be the one on the ballot in November. But as concerns rose about his age and his competency to perform the functions of his office, calls began to appear for him to drop out of the race. But Democrat party leaders, insiders in the White House, like Kamala Harris and the mainstream news media, all kept telling the American public that President Biden was fit for office.

Then a lightning bolt out of the blue stuck.  President Biden announced he was dropping out of the race. In that moment, it became very clear that all those people and organizations who had been telling the American people that President Biden was fit for office had been lying. With his announcement, the thought that there had been a concerted effort to hide Biden’s true health status from the public was real. How can a political party that so blatantly lied to the American public be trusted? And within a matter of hours, these same people were telling the voters that now somehow, Kamala Harris is the one to vote for.

Another matter of trust, was the issue of who had been running the country if President Biden’s cognitive abilities had been diminished all the while he was President? Prior to the 2020 election, Joe Biden was presented as the person who walked the middle ground and would be best suited to heal the divisions that were plaguing the country at the time. That never happened. Instead from his first day in office, he chose the path of the radical far left side of the Democrat party. That begs the question, was that his decision or was it the decision of his handlers? He became a radical liberal demagogue that instead of uniting the country ripped it apart further. How can the voters trust what the Democrats are selling?

This leads us to the question of can we really trust Kamala Harris? She being in the White House and close to President Biden surely knew that he had diminished abilities. Yet she chose to hide this very important information from the American public for years. Seems the leadership of the Democrat party carried out a conspiracy to cover up a major reason to not vote for the Democrat candidate. And Kamala Harris has demonstrated that she can’t be trusted too.

The news waves are currently full of political ads and speeches. One theme that is constantly made is the Democrats claim that they are the protectors of our democracy. But are they really? Their claim about protecting our democracy is a clever play on words. What they really mean is that they want the public to believe they stand for the old values that this country had been built on. In reality, they are saying that they want to protect their own political version of what they feel our democracy should stand for. Again, this invokes the matter of trust. Why should the American public trust a political party that chooses to lie to them?

It is more important than ever that every voter sits back and really thinks about the question of their trusting the Democrat party. If they can lie about what has been presented, won’t they lie again if they actually win the election? Kamala Harris is trying to paint herself as a centrist who will focus on the middle class. But her background shows she is so far left that the middle class will be destroyed if her policies get adopted. Remember, can you trust the Democrat party?