Can You Afford Kamala Harris?
Right now, the mainstream news media is just falling over themselves with praise for Kamala Harris. Based on all their glowing reports about Harris, a typical voter would most likely feel she’s their best choice. But is she? The question they refuse to address is Can you afford Kamala Harris?
The big issue they and she are not willing to address is inflation. Today, the average American is struggling to maintain their previous lifestyle because of the cost of just about everything has gone up. To put this into perspective, inflation has caused the average cost of everything to go up by 17.7% since 2021. Is there any wonder that Kamala Harris won’t talk about her record as it pertains to the financial wellbeing of the average American? When she gets on stage, she attacks her opponent on issues, like abortion, climate change, race, income disparities and the wealthy. She is attempting to paint a picture of her opponent as uncaring. But who is really the one responsible for harming the average American?
Let’s look at some of the numbers. What is the rate of the increases on basic items average Americans must buy? Well, electric bills are up around 25%. Rent up 30%, Mortgage rates have doubled; auto insurance is up 33%, groceries up 25%, used cars up 35% and hotels up 15%. Add this all up and the total increase in the cost of living caused by Kamala Harris spending has gone up 17.7% since 2021. If an average American would like to live the same lifestyle as they did in 2021, they would need an extra $11,434.00 of income just to stay even. Most people have not received that amount of wage increases.
A quick look at how this affects people. If you were a senior receiving the average social security payment in 2021, the total dollar amount of your cost of living increases since 2021 went up $3,466.92 per year. That means the average senior living on social security is short a whopping $7,967.08 a year. Now can you see why Kamala Harris doesn’t want to bring attention to her record as Vice President? That brings us back to the question of Can you afford Kamala Harris?
If you have been following Vice President Harris on the campaign trail, you would quickly have noticed how she wants to portray herself as a champion of Blacks. She also wants to paint a picture of her opponent as one who caters to billionaires. But her endorsement of President Biden’s out of control spending is the real culprit behind the out of control inflation increases and the pain that average Americans are feeling. Oh, she uses phrases like, “Inflation is falling” but all that means is that prices are not going up as fast as before. BUT PRICES ARE STILL GOING UP!
Her spending policies have hurt all levels of the income scale, except the very highest. Her spending policies have hurt every race. And her spending policies will continue because of her being on the very far left of the political spectrum. People need to look beyond the smoke and mirrors she is putting up by using issues such as abortion and climate change as being the most important issues facing the American people. The question every American has to ask themselves is “Can you afford Kamala Harris?”