Democrat’s Senseless Plans

Democrat’s Senseless Plans

DEMOCRATS SENSELESS PLANS When it comes to Democrat's senseless plans, the one's currently being implemented, make the Democrat's far and away the leaders. New York’s mayor is going to spend $53 million dollars in order to give pre-paid credit cards that the illegals...

The Border Again

The Border Again

THE BORDER AGAIN After falling off the news for a while, the southern border is back again. The Senate has been working on a bipartisan solution to the crisis on our southern border which is tied to the need of new funding for Ukraine, so the recent release of what...

Democrats and Their Version Of Freedom

Democrats and Their Version Of Freedom

DEMOCRATS AND THEIR VERSION OF FREEDOM With our country in the middle of a Presidential election cycle, the Democrats have been busy claiming that they are the protectors of our freedom. This claim has been accepted by the media without as much as the slightest bit of...

Democrats In Shock

Democrats In Shock

Democrats In Shock The Iowa caucuses were held yesterday and Ex President Trump won by an overwhelming margin. He ended up with 51% of the votes cast. The next two closest contenders were Governor DeSantis, who won 21.2% and Nikki Haley with 19.1%. This has left...

The Power Struggle Begins

The Power Struggle Begins

The Power Struggle Begins The Iowa caucuses mark the beginning of one of the largest power struggles that happen in the United States. Iowa voters will gather and begin the process of selecting which political party will lead this country for the next four years. What...



Insurrection? The mainstream news media is offering a constant flow of coverage about the “insurrection” and how it might affect Ex-President Trump’s chances to be listed on the primary ballets of many individual states. It seems that many liberal leaning state...

Economy Disconnect

Economy Disconnect

Economy Disconnect   Currently with the run up to the 2024 election rapidly approaching, the news media outlets are full of stories about the state of the economy. The Democrat Party, who currently controls the Senate and the White House, are singing the praises...

Our Quiet Crisis

Our Quiet Crisis

Our Quiet Crisis The liberal Democrats in this country keep telling us about the next coming crisis we need to address. Today, that crisis might be climate change. Tomorrow, the crisis might be abortion. Or the day after that it could be the wars in Ukraine and...

2020 Election Playbook 2.0

2020 Election Playbook 2.0

2020 Election Playbook 2.0 Well, it seems the 2024 Presidential election is coming upon us quickly. The coming of the election is bringing back the Democrat’s playbook from 2020 only with in an updated version. Back in 2020, Democrats realized that President Trump was...

What’s Up with Walmart?

What’s Up with Walmart?

What's Up with Walmart? Hey folks, have you noticed something off about Walmart lately? It used to be the go-to spot for bargains, but it's looking like those days are fading fast. Walmart's big thing was always about keeping prices low, but now, it's like they're not...

Are Ivy League Schools In Decline?

Are Ivy League Schools In Decline?

Recently this country’s Ivy League schools have been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Their students have been protesting the war in the Middle East and condemning Israel for battling Hamas. And they do this willingly accepting the fact that Hamas is a terrorist...

Is Our Freedom of Speech Dead?

Is Our Freedom of Speech Dead?

Is our Freedom of Speech gone? Recent news has been flooded with stories about how prestigious universities have done nothing to stop their students and staff from making racially charged statements condemning the Jews and supporting the stopping of the war in...

No Trust In The System

No Trust In The System

In contemporary times, there is a pervasive lack of trust in our nation's systems. The way people perceive the happenings within our country is marked by significant divisions. This perception is not solely influenced by political beliefs but is filtered through...

Disney In Shambles

Disney In Shambles

Disney in Shambles Currently, the Walt Disney Company is in shambles. It seems almost every area of the Disney Empire is spiraling in a downward direction. How and why did this happen? This simple question has a very complex answer. Disney's Dubious Management From...

The Costs Of Migrants

The Costs Of Migrants

What are the costs of migrants to New York City? This question is being asked by both residents of New York City and outsiders. It has become very apparent that President Biden’s open border policy is quickly turning into a disaster. While President Biden’s open...