Report Card​Biden’s Report Card

As the election cycle heats up, it’s a good time to look at Biden’s report card. In spite of his combative style during his State of the Union speech, he’s losing support in the key states he needs to win in order to succeed in his bid for reelection. The problem he faces is that his far left liberal policies haven’t been met with success among the average American. Let us take a critical look at his actions and the reaction he’s received from the public.

The first issue Biden hasn’t overcome is the issue of his age and his competence to be able to lead this country for another four years. During his State of the Union speech he bragged about his abilities to run this country, but ever since that speech he has continued to very careful to manage his speaking events and is unable and unwilling to participate in discussions that haven’t been careful laid out for him prior to the event. On this issue the best he rates is a D+.

The second big issue that Biden faces is his handling of the economy. He continually mentions that his economy is performing perfectly for the American people. But in spite of his claims the American people have a much lower opinion of how his economy is doing. The biggest point of contention is inflation and the financial pressure American families are experiencing. Inflation is still hovering around 3.5%. And what makes this so bad is that the items driving this inflation is the cost of everyday items such as food, transportation, home and auto insurance and recently the rise in energy.

Today, the American family is spending an extra $1,000 dollars more per month to buy the same amount than they did 3 years ago when he took office. And because of inflation, the American family budget is boxed in because the current interest rates are high and some feel that they might even go higher in the coming months making taking on more debt a huge issue. This has placed a serious dent in consumer’s household budgets. Credit card balances are rising. Payments on anything that requires to be made by taking on debt are adding to the pain already being felt.

His policies on climate change and the mandates that his executive departments are implementing are also hurting consumers because they have had the effect of driving up prices. Recently, his push to force consumers to buy EVs has had the effect of driving the prices on gasoline powered vehicles up by as much as 45% by some manufacturers. Auto manufacturers have been forced to build all new infrastructures in order to build EVs which has forced them to raise the prices on gasoline power vehicles. This has had the effect of making as much as 60% of the population unable to afford a new car or truck. And for those that do buy a new car or truck, the payments are extremely high. A side effect has been that repossessions are rising at an alarming rate. On the economy, Biden rates a C-.

The next big issue Biden has been criticized for is his handling of the southern border. Since he has taken office, the number of people that have walked across the border has risen to over 7.2 million people. This huge number has placed a huge strain on our country’s social safety net. Currently sanctuary cities, like New York, are being drowned with rising costs of accommodating the 10’s of thousands of illegals. Their once open arms are now facing the reality that Biden’s policies of leaving the southern border open is now longer sustainable. The finances and the patience of New York citizens have reached the breaking point. Money that should have been spent on the concerns of the city’s residents has been directed over to take care of the illegals.

And the financial aspects of the Biden’s open door policies aren’t the only issues causing many liberal New York residents to question if they will vote for Democrats this fall. Things like the rise in crimes being committed by illegals on residents, and even the police, have many questioning why their hard earned tax dollars are paying for supporting these people. Theft in New York City is driving out retailers at an astonishing fast pace making the quality of life in America’s largest city drop. On this issue, Biden rates a D -.

Lastly, Biden is viewed by world leaders as weak. He doesn’t present himself as a man who is driven by his principles, but rather political expediency. The war Israel is waging against Hamas has seen Biden being viewed as weak and without a plan. After the attack by Hamas on Israel, Biden proclaimed his undivided support for Israel. But once far left liberals here in America began their protests in support for the Palestinians, Biden began to qualify his support. This has put him in a precarious position politically. He has focused his agenda by aiming to please the far left part of the Democrat party. So he embraced their ideals like inclusion. The problem is that with the far left demanding he support Palestinians, he ends ups having to stay quiet about protests like the one that happened in Dearborn Michigan where crowds of Muslims chanted “death to America”. Chants like that don’t play well with a huge swath of Americans, especially before an election. On this issue Biden rates a D.

It is becoming increasingly obvious to the more centrist portion of Americans that Biden is a weak and well-aged politician who is more focused on staying in power than actually addressing the needs of citizens. Biden is not the man to lead this country and the world for the next four years. His time has passed.

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