Gaza War​Biden, The World’s Leader

As President of the United States, Biden is the world’s leader. Recently, Israel attacked a building in Syria killing Iranian military leadership that were known to work with established terrorist groups in the Middle East. This act was quickly denounced by Iran and Iran threatened to retaliate against Israel. This forced President Biden, the world’s leader, to take to the media to make a statement to the world about the Iranian threat.

The very first word he used was “don’t”. He then went on to declare that the United States would continue to support and work to defend Israel if it were to be attacked. Well, a few days after President Biden’s speech, Iran did launch a drone and rocket attack against Israel. Their actions brings up the question of just how is President Biden viewed by world leaders.

If you take a cold look at what happened, Iran for its part, spit into President Biden’s face. It would seem that Iran views Biden as a senile old man who is more interested in his political standing, especially during an election year, than as he is as the leader of the free world. Iran must feel that Biden’s only threat to them is that he will use words, not actions against them. What does that say about our current leadership as the only superpower capable of maintaining world peace?

The boldness of the Iranian attack could be viewed as result of Biden’s own actions. The war in Gaza has created divisions among liberals. A very vocal part of the liberals within the Democrat party have been pushing for an end to the fighting because of the tactic used by Hamas to use civilians as human shields, resulting in deaths of many civilians. These liberal supporters of the Palestinian people ignore both facts that it was Hamas who started the war and it is Hamas who is putting civilians in harm’s way.

At the beginning of the war, Biden went onto the world stage and declared the United States as firmly standing by Israel and its actions to protect its own people from having to endure this kind of attack again. But as factions within his own party began protesting in support of Palestinian civilians, President Biden began to waiver in his support. He became increasingly demanding that Israel stop the fighting in spite of the fact that they are very close to ridding Gaza of the threat of Hamas.

Biden’s demands energized Israel’s enemies and the threat of attacks on Israel by Iranian proxies increased. Hamas, for their part, felt emboldened enough to make demands that they wouldn’t even talk about releasing hostages, until Israel totally withdrew from Gaza. Biden’s words gave credence to Muslim’s beliefs that they were winning the tug of war between the United States and Israel. And it would seem that this first time ever attack on Israel by Iran directly was the result of Biden’s weakness on the world’s stage.

Biden cannot be given another four years of leadership. The results of which could be our country being dragged into a war directly with Iran and it’s proxies. What are your views on the Iranian attack on Israel? Do you feel Biden has been handling the war in Gaza correctly? Do you feel that his actions could provoke another attack on US soil like 9/11?

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