No Trust In The System

No Trust In The System

In contemporary times, there is a pervasive lack of trust in our nation’s systems. The way people perceive the happenings within our country is marked by significant divisions. This perception is not solely influenced by political beliefs but is filtered through...
Disney In Shambles

Disney In Shambles

Disney in Shambles Currently, the Walt Disney Company is in shambles. It seems almost every area of the Disney Empire is spiraling in a downward direction. How and why did this happen? This simple question has a very complex answer. Disney’s Dubious Management...
The Costs Of Migrants

The Costs Of Migrants

What are the costs of migrants to New York City? This question is being asked by both residents of New York City and outsiders. It has become very apparent that President Biden’s open border policy is quickly turning into a disaster. While President Biden’s open...
Sanctuary City Crisis

Sanctuary City Crisis

Seems being a sanctuary city was a badge of pride when no migrants were traveling to your city. But now that tens of thousands are flowing to places like New York City and Chicago, that badge of pride has lost its luster. It was replaced by a sanctuary city crisis....
Where Is The Money Coming From?

Where Is The Money Coming From?

Where Is The Money Coming From? The Federal government is facing another potential budget crisis because of the all the political maneuverings that have been made by both parties. The Democrats, for their part, are very skilled at using the media in order to promote...