Democrats Are Outright Lying

Democrats Are Outright Lying

Democrats Are Outright Lying As the current election cycle heats up, the Democrats are running scared, and they have resorted to outright lying. Leaders of the Democrat Party, such as Hakeem Jeffries, have resorted to fear tactics and are using outright lies as a way...
Is The American Dream Gone?

Is The American Dream Gone?

Is The American Dream Gone? Lately the media has been full of stories about how inflation has made purchasing a home here in America an almost impossibility. And while homes are the largest single expense most American families will make, the second largest expense...
How Deeply Engrained Are Our Political Beliefs

How Deeply Engrained Are Our Political Beliefs

How Deeply Engrained Are Our Political Beliefs Political views in America are deeply divided today. It seems the middle ground is gone. On our college campuses, even the mention of a conservative speaker being invited to speak, brings out violent reactions from the...
Liberal Democrats Out Of Control

Liberal Democrats Out Of Control

Liberal Democrats Out Of Control The war between Israel and Hamas has created a huge division in the Democrat party. Seems liberal Democrats are out of control. Student protests are raging around the country on liberal college campuses in support of the Palestinians...
Biden, The World’s Leader

Biden, The World’s Leader

​Biden, The World’s Leader As President of the United States, Biden is the world’s leader. Recently, Israel attacked a building in Syria killing Iranian military leadership that were known to work with established terrorist groups in the Middle East. This act was...