Analyzing Household Income An essential starting point for our exploration is understanding the average American’s financial capacity. The U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey for 2021 indicates that the national median household income stands at...
Modern grocery stores have an abundance of flavors, products, and rising costs – for some, it may even seem that each trip to the store costs more than before! In order to understand this complex situation, one must factor in global events, local retail...
Living comfortably in the United States can be an ever-evolving goal, depending on various personal decisions and economic changes. One common reference point for measuring comfort in America is median American income – currently sitting at around $76,000...
What is going through President Biden’s mind as he squanders the American taxpayer’s money and, at the same time, weakens our southern border? It seems President Biden wants to make sure that the 400-mile wall President Trump attempted to build will never be...
Seems Progressive liberal policies are creating an unwanted phenomenon, flash mobs. These mobs are imposing a reign of terror on average everyday shoppers because they happen so quick. No one wants to be caught in the middle of one of these. And for corporations, like...