The Great Economy ??????

The Great Economy ??????

The Great Economy???? In America, the population is watching the fast approaching Presidential election year with bated breath. They are being blasted with claims by President Biden, his political party, the news media, experts and economists, all making the claim...
Democrats vs Israel

Democrats vs Israel

The conflict of Israel and Hamas has brought to the forefront a pressing debate within the Democratic Party, one that is emblematic of a broader ideological divide that spans the American political landscape. While the left-wing of the party urges for an immediate...
Our Political Muddy Waters

Our Political Muddy Waters

Our current political waters are muddy. The U.S. is in a tricky spot right now, especially with a presidential election coming up. People are grumbling about the economy even though the numbers, like unemployment and stock market gains, don’t look so terrible....
The Great Car Rip Off – Part 2

The Great Car Rip Off – Part 2

The Transforming Auto Market and Its Economic Impact – An Update Rapid changes in the automotive market have made it essential to revisit the topic of our previous article that focused on the steep rise in car prices since 2019. However, the market dynamics are...
Great American Car Rip Off

Great American Car Rip Off

Great American Car Rip Off Consumers currently in need of a new car are facing what can be called the “Great American Car Rip Off”. Because of Covid and the lockdowns it brought, the entire American auto manufacturing industry was turned on its head. Covid lockdowns...