What is going through President Biden’s mind as he squanders the American taxpayer’s money and, at the same time, weakens our southern border? It seems President Biden wants to make sure that the 400-mile wall President Trump attempted to build will never be completed, in spite of the fact that the money to acquire the materials needed to complete the project has already been spent and the material is sitting in stockpile areas. It has recently come to light that President Biden has given the green light to sell off the wall materials instead of allowing the border states to complete the wall if they choose to. What makes this so bad is that the administration is selling off the steel wall sections for as little as 2 cents on the dollar. This is nothing more than a slap in the face to every American taxpayer. Who in their right mind would just waste our tax dollars just to spite the past President? Maybe we should look into why far left liberal Democrats are so opposed to building the wall.

One of the big points is that building a huge wall is super expensive. The cost could run into the tens of billions of dollars. Some liberals argue that this money could be spent on other things that might be more beneficial, like education, healthcare, or infrastructure.

Seems liberal Democrats have another issue as to why they opposed the wall.The thought here is that a wall might not actually fix the underlying issues that cause people to try to cross the border illegally. The focus, according to this argument, should be on improving the legal immigration system, addressing the reasons people leave their home countries in the first place, or working on ways to deal with those who overstay visas, which is a significant part of the issue.

Some people feel like building a wall sends the wrong message and might go against American values of welcoming immigrants. They also worry about the potential human rights issues, especially if the wall separates families or causes dangerous attempts to cross the border in more remote area

Another big issue Democrats have is that they believe that building a wall can mess with the local environment. It could block the natural movement of wildlife, affect rivers and other water sources, and possibly lead to other ecological problems. Some liberals think this isn’t worth the potential benefits of the wall.

Lastly, some argue that investing in technology like drones, cameras, or better training for border patrol agents might be a smarter move. They think this could actually be more effective in controlling illegal border crossings and would be less costly and controversial.

So in simple terms, the argument against building the wall is that it’s expensive, might not actually work that well, could have negative moral and environmental impacts, and that there could be better ways to deal with the issue.

And like every issue we face here in America, there is also another side to this issue, the one of conservative Republicans.

One of the biggest reasons some conservatives want the wall is to tighten up border security. They feel like it could seriously slow down illegal crossings, making the country safer.

The next argument that conservative  Republicans make is that illegal immigration can put a strain on resources like jobs, schools, healthcare, and more. By controlling who comes in, some conservatives think the government can make sure there’s enough to go around for American citizens.

Then some conservatives emphasize that our current immigration laws are there for a reason and should be enforced. They think that by allowing illegal border crossings, it undermines the legal process for those who are trying to immigrate the right way.

And because our southern border is being crushed by the numbers of illegals crossing into this country is that some of the people who come across the border illegally might be involved in criminal activities like drug trafficking. A wall could, according to this view, make it harder for criminals to operate. It’s not uncommon for Mexican gangs to use this crush of people crossing the border daily to recruit them to smuggle dangerous drugs into the country for them.

Some conservatives feel that controlling immigration through a border wall helps protect American jobs and wages by reducing competition from workers who are willing to work for less. This is especially true for jobs on the lower end of our pay scales. Illegals ae willing to work for much less than American poor are, so pressure is placed on lower paying manual labor types of jobs to hire illegals thereby denying jobs for poorer Americans.

One big point conservatives want to make is about maintaining control over the country’s borders. Some conservatives feel strongly that a nation should have the right and ability to decide who gets in, and a border wall is seen as part of maintaining that control. They believe that if we continue to allow the current level of illegals to continue to enter this country, the amount of resources we currently provide towards caring for the poor will not be able to be maintained at its current level.

The mere presence of a wall, according to conservatives, might discourage illegal border crossings. Even if it’s not 100% effective, it sends a message that illegal entry won’t be easy. And it allows our border security agencies to focus on the areas that illegals are most attempting to enter the country.

Lastly, some point to other countries or specific areas where barriers have been successful in controlling illegal crossings. They argue that if it worked there, it could work in the U.S. too.

So, in straightforward terms, the argument for building the wall from a conservative perspective is about maintaining law and order, protecting resources, ensuring safety, controlling who gets into the country, and sending a strong message about the country’s stance on illegal immigration. It’s seen as a practical step to enforce existing laws and protect the interests of American citizens.