Republican Party​Abortion Again

Well we’re presently in the middle of a presidential election cycle and it’s all about abortion again. Seems the Democrat leadership has once again made abortion the focus of this presidential election for the third time. With all the other problems this country is facing, Democrats want to cover up all their shortcomings by using the abortion issue in order to drive the focus away from .real problems.

The citizens of this country are currently facing some very challenging problems that need to be addressed, yet it’s seems they will not be the focus of issues that need to be discussed. Biden and his handlers have managed to steer the topics needing to be addressed away from all Biden’s weaknesses.

Issues like out of control inflation, our open southern border, rising taxes and insurance costs, rising interest rates, Biden’s questionable abilities due to his age, a war in Ukraine and another possible conflict over Taiwan, along with the war in the Middle East, the rising cost of gasoline, natural gas and electricity are putting huge financial pressures on average citizens. Yet, in spite of the need to discuss these important issues, Democrats and their left wing biased new media have drowned them all out.

Seems Republicans are being politically out maneuvered by Democrats. And because of how fractured the spectrum is within the Republican Party they are focused on intraparty fighting instead of putting forth a united front in order to battle the Democrats.

The Republicans are in control of the House of Representatives yet they are coming off as being weak in the eyes of the American people. Speaker Mike Johnson is a very capable leader but is being hampered by House rules that is own party have put into place. When Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker, she ruled over the Democrat Party with an iron fist. Speaker Mike Johnson is unable to lead his own party. The Democrats have a very radical far left side of the party, yet Pelosi was able to reign them in and present an united front to get legislation passed. The current Republican party has its own radical far right portion of the party, but they, while being a small part of the party, are able to destroy any and all attempts to do the work for the majority of conservative people.

And ex President Trump is also part of the problem. Instead of acting as a unifying party leader, he instead creates divisions within the party. The American people want what the Republican party stands for, but are turned off by the infighting currently happening within the party. And the very radical far right portion of the party are willing to destroy any possibility of victory in order to push their agenda. Is it any wonder that all Americans question our political party system?

It’s not too late for Republicans to come together in order to win this upcoming election, but if they continue to travel along their current path, it will end in failure. Feel free to leave your comments below. We welcome all comments. You do not need to fill out any of your personal information in order to leave your comment.